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安德烈·蘭科夫(Andrei Lankov)是首爾國民大學韓國研究教授。 他是《真實的朝鮮:失敗的斯大林主義烏托邦中的生活與政治》一書的作者。

「天主教對於南韓社會制度的浪潮使於1960 年代。此時南韓的軍事獨裁統治在經濟方面的成效卓著,與處理政治異議者和打壓勞權的蠻橫常是一體兩面。天主教會堅定地站在民主抗爭的一邊。 1968 年成為首爾總主教的金壽煥樞機主教扮演了一個特殊的角色。在金樞機主教的領導下,天主教會發揮了非常積極的領導作用,時刻批評監督政府對於異議者的野蠻暴力。 憤怒的韓國中央情報局 (KCIA) 逮捕了金樞機身邊的池學淳主教,但迫於當地天主教團體和海外的壓力不得不很快釋放他。」

Under the leadership of Cardinal Kim, the Catholic church took a remarkably active leadership role, always ready to criticise the government and its perceived brutal use of force against government opponents. Outraged, the KCIA, the South Korean political police, arrested Bishop Daniel Chi Hak-sun, one of Cardinal Kim’s lieutenants and an outspoken critic of the military rule, but had to release him soon, bowing to pressure from local Catholics groups and from overseas. (Lankov [2014])

——我在原文中參考了這份歷史,在圖說註腳也提到金壽煥樞機是韓國公民歷史中享譽的「民主人權的守望者」。事實上,最近一份1974年的外交文件解封,是當時總統朴正熙曾施壓梵帝崗開除池學淳的原州主教地位撤職。當年他在7月起起草發表「良心宣言」,被政府他時他被判監禁十五年。然而梵帝崗代表 Luigi Dossena曾到訪南韓親自談判。協議內容我們不得而知,但結果是池學淳被監禁一年後就獲釋。


天主教堂經常被用作反政府集會者和勞權人士的庇護所。 儘管教會從法律上並無此特權保護,但實際上天主教會(賭上的是他們的全球聲譽),讓政府投鼠忌器,從而保護了抗爭者。


白話而言之:就是比起天主教的人數、經濟和能量,基督教新教確實政體在 1962-1980 年間,對親美的集權軍政府有好感,在1980年代的全斗煥期間,也依然政治被動、甘於既得利益和易於被政權摸頭安撫。


Shin et. al. (2007), p.34


Shin et. al. (2007), p.45
Shin et. al. (2007), p.46




哈佛大學生 Will Matheson (2018) 論文當中寫道:1952年、1956年及1960年選舉都舞弊疑雲的李承晚就是高調的新教徒,其政權中有4成的基督徒,高於當是韓國基督教人口比例的4倍。「在韓戰解放後的政治舞台上,韓國領導人中超常比例是基督徒。這個狀態有助於理解為什麼新教教會群體會與那個專制政府如此緊密。」(Matheson [2018], 7)

「戰後,美國政府支持教會作為社會組織,擁有經濟和社會資本的人同時擔任教會和政治領袖。因此,許多教會領袖都投身於李承晚統治下的政府。這也創造了宗派領導人相互競爭的動態,時而會顯露宗派主義(Park and Pak 2011b)。這種狀態解釋了為什麼民權運動期間「在新教群體的 11,582 名神職人員和 17,793 間教會中,只有 542 名牧師和 831 間教會參與了民權示威的行動」(Park and Pak 2011,“Protestant Christians and South Korea Politics, 1948-1980s:” 183)。


In the context of the pro-democracy movement, then, the Protestant church as a whole took a passive stance. However, a subsection of the church split with the majority and played a vital role in the movement. (Matheson [2018], 7)

Matheson文中引用的首爾崇實大學基督教研究系歷史教授朴正信(박정신)是更詳實的,他在 Protestantism and Politics in Korea (University of Washington Press, 2015)第七章  » Protestant Christians and South Korean Politics, 1948–1980s »  十分值得閱讀。


Why did the Protestant church consistently support the regime? What specific form did this support take, and what in particular did the church support? What bearing did the church’s approval have on the continuation of Rhee’s rule? Did the church undergo any change, politically or historically, by supporting his regime? These questions will be addressed by considering what brought the Protestant church into a leadership position in South Korean politics and society.(Park [2015], 174)


這是朴正信教授接續扣問的問題。他說道:「大多數基督徒並沒有跟隨那些走入窄門的人權與社會公義牧師,而是選擇了支持政權的容易道路。 絕大多數教會成員的政治取態與李承晚時期的基督徒相同。」

Under Park Chung-hee, some Christian leaders dared to raise their voices against the government. Kim Chaejun, Mun Ikhwan, Pak Hyonggyu, Mun Tonghwan, and An Pyongmu, all Christian theologians or ministers, risked imprisonment when they called for social justice, respect for human rights, and democracy, but the majority of Christians went the easy way of supporting the regime. The political attitude of the absolute majority of church members was identical to that of their fellow Christians during the Syngman Rhee period. (Park [2015], 174)


教會還強調使徒保羅的教導,即一切政治權力來自上帝命定、應當順服政府的教導。但同時,他們會為反共的政治方針辯護;說共產主義者是真正的敵基督,因此維護一個與共產主義鬥爭的政府就是遵行上帝旨意。大多數韓國新教徒的政治不作為,實際上就是一種政治立場的作為,無論是主動還是被動 ,他們就是在護航那個只有一小撮基督徒勇於出面抗爭的政權。」

Despite these activities, the political stance of the majority of church members was one of inaction during Park’s rule. Claiming that the church should concern itself only with saving souls, most Protestant leaders tried to draw attention away from political realities, including, of course, the government’s action. The church also stressed the apostle Paul’s teaching that all political powers are ordained of God and that one should obey civil authorities. The church also continued to make a case for anticommunism. The communists were the real enemy of Christ, and so to uphold a government that combated communism was to do the will of God. The political inaction of the majority of Korean Christians was actually a political position that, actively or passively, supported the regime that a tiny group of their fellow Christians were criticizing.(Park [2015], 183-4)


Whenever the KNCC criticized the government, the KCCC defended the regime and denounced liberal Christian activists. Whenever the regime’s reputation suffered at home or abroad, the kccc supported the government and its policies. Denouncing the liberal Christians who dared to raise their voices against the regime, the kccc claimed that “the Bible teaches Christians to pray for the secular powers and to obey them,” that “the antigovernment propaganda and demonstrations of Christians are not Christian acts based on biblical teachings,” and that “in South Korea there is religious freedom, contrary to the claim of the liberal Christians.”(Park [2015], 187)


「新教的政治自由運動從來沒有達成強大凝聚力或明確的行動統一。 他們的中央機關 KNCC 是一個組織鬆散的理事會,由6個教派組成,代表基督長老會大韓民國大會、韓國耶穌長老會、韓國救世軍、衛理公會、英國聖公會和韓國基督福音派教會(一個小型福音派團體),約有一百個教派和教派。

與天主教會等組織不同,這六個教派不定在一項中央政策或指令下一致行動。 通常,KNCC 發布的政治聲明只是道義或名目上的空軍宣言,但不會被兌現為這6大宗派實際的地面運動戰或組織性支持。」(Park [2015], 197)

1970年代1980年代,我們所熟知的那些新教牧師或人權鬥士,大多是以教會外圍身分、或是孤狼的知識份子號召行動,需要頂著內部給予邊緣化的壓力和冷嘲熱諷才能挺身而出,並且活動影響力不出首爾。這與天主教階層從上到下、多點開花的投入大為不同。基督新教的有規模組織結構中,許多高社經地位、企業家身份平信徒領袖,都會迴避政治紛擾,接受既得利益的制度安排。從而,新教教會當中即使有自由民權傾向的牧師,也難以動員教會或掛階出聲響應。「整體來說,會眾們的態度叫新教神職人員群體動見觀瞻,因此他們變得愈加注重在教會治理、(個人)職位保障,而放棄關注社會與政治議題。」(Park [2015], 197)

Unlike organizations such as the Catholic Church, these six denominations do not necessarily act in concert under one centralized policy or directive.102 Usually, a political statement issued by the KNCC is supported morally or nominally, but not actively or organizationally, by the six affiliated denominations.

Christian liberals in the 1970s and 1980s dared to raise their voices against the government, but they did so against the general current of Protestant opinion. This is one of the reasons that it was not liberal pastors, but rather liberal Christian intellectuals (the so-called kigwan moksa) working in church-related agencies such as seminaries, schools, the YMCA, and radio stations, who became the leading Christian activists. Such individuals were free from direct control and pressure by a congregation.

The liberal Christian elite in Seoul used the names of their denominations in protesting dictatorial rule, but they could not mobilize their churches and congregations for their cause; they could not even receive much moral support from their fellow Christians. The liberal Christian movement of the 1970s and 1980s remained a weak elitist activity and an urban or “Seoul” phenomenon.

As we have seen earlier, the weakness of liberal Christian activism can be seen clearly in the very nature of church organization as a social institution. Lay leaders with higher social status and greater financial means tend to avoid controversial political issues and to accept the existing political reality. Against such an orientation by congregational leaders, it was difficult for liberal ministers to participate in political action alongside other liberal theologians and clergymen. It seems that most Korean clergymen, sensitive to the attitudes of their congregations, became more concerned with church management and job security than with social and political affairs.

朴正信教授研究並也糾正把「1970 年代以(新教)KNCC 為中心的反朴正熙運動」描述為整個基督新教的大勢、高舉韓國基督新教為民主運動火車頭的主張,乃是學術上的邀功諉過,或是半世紀前的浪漫誤會一場。

In the 1970s and 1980s, the Korean National Council of Churches  (KNCC) was quite vocal in advocating democracy and social justice and criticizing violations of human rights, but the organization did not represent all Protestant groups. For example, see the introduction to Emergency Christian Conference on Korean Problems, ed., Documents on the Struggle for Democracy in Korea (Tokyo: Shinkyo shuppansha, 1975), pp. 1–28. The writer errs in describing the anti–Park Chung-hee movement centered in the kncc in the 1970s as a campaign of the Christian churches as a whole.(Park [2015], 95, 246)

(韓國20世紀後半戰後基督宗教人口增長態勢,(Park [2015], 44)



「當 1987 年軍事統治終於被代換而迎來民主,天主教會在這場關鍵變革中的功勳的備受認定。 毋庸置疑,如此正面觀感大大提高了它的人民支持度:天主教會領袖被視為貼地、有奉獻精神、並為著大我甘冒生命及人身風險

因此,當天主教會同時在全球面臨挑戰和衰退時,韓國卻逆勢而行:天主教徒的比例1990 年代中期的6%,經歷20年的一代後幾乎翻倍來到10%。」

When military rule finally came to an end in 1987 and Korea at long last became a democracy, the Catholic church was widely credited for its role in this seismic change. Needless to say, such perceptions significantly boosted its popularity: Church leaders were seen as relevant, dedicated and ready to risk their life and freedom for a great cause. Indeed, while Catholic churches across the globe face increasing difficulties and dwindling numbers of believers, the Korean church is thriving. In the mid-1990s the Catholics constituted merely 6 percent of the total population, but in twenty years the number nearly doubled, reaching 10 percent.(Lankov, [2014])

Kim Nyung 於華盛頓大學的博士論文更是以「1974-89:天主教會對威權體制的政治抗爭」為主題,認為梵諦岡第二次大會後給予的國際支持,將反抗政治威權、與弱勢同在視為比「國族主義狂熱」更重要的天主信徒使命,給予天主教會源源不絕「先知性」守望社會的道德勇氣和實踐策略。


「在近兩個世紀的相對沉靜無為後,韓國天主教會在 1970 年代和 1980 年代增高社會政治活動的原因是什麼?這項研究假設並肯定教會的政治活動和影響力的增強是兩種現象相互作用的結果:

(1) 國際間天主教會的政治化,因跟隨梵二大會主張,產生了天主教政治運動的強大的外部刺激,特別是在拉丁美洲和亞洲; (2) 韓國政權日益增長的威權主義迫使天主教會回應和反對國家的壓迫。

該研究還探討了教會在其政治活動中所扮演的角色類型和使用的方法,以及教會的政治活動。對韓國國家民主化的影響和反應。雙管齊下的研究策略利用包含(1)關於教義歷史和政教關係制度模式的廣泛二手資料,特別是天主教會從 1960 年代到 1980 年代的政治參與觀念變遷比較研究,以及 (2) 韓國教會和國家政治活動的廣泛原始資料,包括 1970 年代和 1980 年代重大事件和發展的十個案例研究。

內外因素相疊,促成 1970 年代和 1980 年代天主教會戲劇性的政治涉入,讚關鍵事件中發揮「先知性」的守望功能,對社會經濟上的不公義以及侵犯人權行為加以抨擊——時而自己也是人權受害當事者。他們也關顧窮人、弱勢群體和受壓迫者的牧養。


雖然天主教會本身不競逐政治權力,而且隨著民主化的實現,其社會政治作用可能會減弱,但重要的是要強調教會的「預言」角色將會持續,並將其道德影響力正面施加在許多困擾著當代社會的政經議題。」 (Kim [1993], Abstract)

Kim Nyung 這篇博士論文完成於28年前。他彷彿也「先知預料」了,CPAJ這個南韓的天主教公義平台, 確實沒有停止他們的守望。


Travel a Path Unlike Any Other in South Korea
首爾明洞主教座堂。為南韓人權民主聖地。不僅是金壽煥樞機長年在此為公義發聲,其廣場與建築也多次在抗爭年代,庇護著抗爭者,利用國際聲望和道德影響力將政府警察隔絕在外(photo by National Geographic)。





  1. Kim, Nyung (1993). “The Politics of Religion in South Korea, 1974–89: The Catholic Church’s Political Opposition to the Authoritarian State.” Ph.D. diss., University of Washington, .
  2. Lankov, Andrei (2014). « Why is Catholicism important in South Korea? » Al Jazeera. Aug 18, 2014.
  3. Misook Lee (2014). « South Korea’s Democratization Movement of the 1970s and 80s and Communicative Interaction in Transnational Ecumenical Networks« . International Journal of Korean History 19(2): 241-270 .
  4. Matheson, Will (2018). « Faith in Democracy: Korean Churches as Engines of Pro-Democracy Protest » Dartmouth Undergraduate Journal of Politics, Economics and World Affairs, Vol. 1, Iss. 2, Art. 7
  5. Park, Chung-Shin (2015). Protestantism and Politics in Korea. Seattle, WA: University of Washington Press.
  6. Gi-Wook Shin et. al. (2007). South Korea’s Democracy Movement (1970-1993): Stanford Korea Democracy Project Report. The Korea Democracy Foundation & Shorenstein Asia Pacific Research Center, Stanford University.

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