Theology transforming culture

[文摘] Freedom as Authority: David Koyzis 自由之權威

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Canada Redeemer University College 政治系教授 David Koyzis 在文章寫道:

「家長式權威存在的正當性,應是以它的自我解消為目的。( »Parental authority properly aims at its own disappearance. »)」

When a child is small, she is directly subject to her parents’ authority in the minutest areas of life. They keep a close eye on her, feed her, clothe her, house her, and generally take care of her. But as she grows to maturity, her parents increasingly pull back, allowing her to take on more and more responsibility for the direction of her own life. And that is as it should be.

一個多世紀前,荷蘭首相、政治神學家 Abraham Kuyper 的洞見「領域主權(sphere sovereignty)」,值得諸君留心 ──特別是這一個在「反威權」的抗爭中崛起,卻也敵視各種權威或管教正當來源的後現代。

從家庭、企業、政府、公會、學校,以及各種成熟社會中的功能社群、自主社團,都會有自己的權威以及規訓──as ordained by God.



« A general respect for authority in all of its pluriform manifestations »,這對反對一切權威的無政府主義者(anarchists),是很重要的提醒。

David Koyzis 寫過一本書,名為 《We Answer to Another: Authority, Office, and the Image of God》